Third and complete perineal tear risk factors and out come after treatment

Hindumathi, M., Venkatarao, S., Karthiki, J. and Saritha, A.

Aims & Objective: To identify the risk factors for third and complete perinear tears,treatement and follwup of patients and recommendations for Prevention of perineal tears. Material & Methods: Study was conducted in Santhiram medical college from may 2014 to nov 2015 25cases of vaginal delivery with third & complete perineal tears were selected 21 cases were refer to our institution delivered somewere else and 4 cases were from our institute which our third degree perineal tears occurred due to instrumental delivery. All the cases were examined and differentiated into two groups. group 1 with third degree perineal tear and group 2 complete perineal tear.cases which are referrd with in six hours of delivery received Intravenus antibiotics and suturing was done immidiatly by layer techniq with end to end operatively antibiotics were continued patients were discharged on 6 postoperative day. Patients presented late after 24 hours were advised to wait for 3 months post partum and later taken up for repair.All the patients are followed 2 weeks & 8 weeks after repair. Results: In our study common risk factor for perineal trauma was instrumental delivery ,big baby anemia and pro longed labour in addition primiparity is also arisk factor.Others risk factors being face to pubis delivery ,breech presentation and shoulder dystocia.There was no influence of age ,epidural anesthesia and medio lateral episiotomy in our study Conclusion: Identifying the risk factors ,preconceptional care,regural antenatal check ups identification and treatment of risk factors in antenatal period ,proper intrapartum care should be given to prevent occurrence of perineal trauma. Public education in mass media should be encouraged.

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