Secondary lactose intolerance - An Ayurvedic Case Study

Dr. Arun, B. and Dr. Dhanya, P.

Lactose intolerance is one of the common clinical condition dealt in pediatrics. Most commonly the child present with abdominal pain and bloating, diarrhea, nausea and flatulence upon consuming food substances containing lactose. In most cases symptomatic management and avoidance of lactose containing food is taken as a solution. Main clinical findings and Diagnosis: In this case, a 5 month old baby was presented with passing watery stools upon intake of breast milk. The symptoms resolved on stopping breast milk and she was given cerelac, as substitute for breast milk. The baby had history of fever and it was managed by course of antibiotic treatment at the age 4 months. Reducing sugar was present in laboratory stool examination. Since the baby had no complaints towards breast milk from birth, but was developed in later life, this is considered as a case of lactose intolerance due to secondary lactase deficiency. The condition was taken and managed by ayurveda as per 'pittaja sthanyadushti' and 'pittaja atisara' chikitsa. No stoppage of breastfeeding was adviced. After 12 days of treatment, the baby had considerable relief. Frequency of diarrhea reduced and also consistency changed from watery stools to semi solid nature.

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