Aim: To evaluate the data of the patients of idiopathic trigeminal neuralgia, treated with peripheral neurectomy,to evaluate the results obtained by this procedure and their recurrences. Materials and Methods: We studied 40 Patients reporting to our hospitals with persistent pain after conservative treatment or intolerance to carbamazepine therapy were selected for neurectomy. The branch of nerve involved was identified according to the site of pain and confirmed with diagnostic block with 2% Lignocaine. The follow-up period ranged from 1 to 4 years. Results: The mean age of the patient was 57.1 years (range 35–71 years) more were males (M:F = 1.73:1).Surgical treatment was peripheral neurectomy of the involved branch following failure of carbamazepine therapy. Follow up over 4 years revealed only two cases (6.66%) of recurrence. Conclusion: Peripheral neurectomy is one of the oldest and minimal invasive forms of surgery, effective method of pain control well tolerated by the patient and can be done under local anesthesia.