Neurobiology notes, from the interaction of material bodies to the origin of neural networks, from neural networks to the universality of knowledge

Bruno Riccardi

This manuscript raises numerous questions regarding the extraordinary structural and functional complexity of neural networks, and aims to be a starting point for orienting us toward possible answers. Starting from the fundamental premise that matter is the result of the interaction between the particles that form it, I extend this principle to the neural networks that have specialized, over the course of evolution, in increasingly refined and effective interaction/communication activities. I briefly describe the evolution of excitable systems, starting from primitive molecules to more complex ones, and then proceed to the equally brief description of cellular and neuronal evolution, and I also highlight the supposed mechanisms that underlie them. The mechanisms that I have identified in my analysis are the same morphogenetic forces that form celestial bodies and maintain universal order. I have highlighted the concentric and columnar arrangement of neural networks, which is the plastic representation resulting from their stratified superposition, along phylogenetic evolution and embryonic development. In the review of Artificial Intelligence, AI, I highlight the limitations inherent in this new approach, and I criticize it for having been adopted as a new paradigm in neurobiological research. And, I try to demonstrate, that it is a misleading vision that loses sight of the peculiarity of the essence of life and of the organ that seeks to know it, the brain. Finally, this article aims to occupy the territory that few researchers frequent, and that is the one between research at the molecular and instrumental level, and experimental research. It is the space that I claim to be founded on pure logical speculation, which wants to restore the fundamental primacy of the brain in the interpretation of all investigations. Because, in my opinion, all research is reduced to the processing of our brain of experimental and instrumental results obtained with any method. Based on these premises, the objective that I set myself is to present a description based on the logical and realistic exposition of the elementary morphogenetic mechanisms and processes that shape matter, in order to be able to grasp them with our hands and observe them in their concreteness, understand them and therefore make them plastically part of our being and feeling. Which is the highest meaning of knowledge.

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