Date fruit has a high nutritional value that has benefits for health. It has been known the effects of date fruit on the male reproductive system to strengthen the spermatogenesis process, sex hormone regulation, to increase gonadotropin and aphrodisiac activity, but very little research of the dates benefits on the female reproductive system. Date's may has effect on oocyte quality, the interaction of sperm and ovum, implantation and early embryonic development through an antioxidant mechanism. The antioxidants of date fruit can also be useful for the DNA repair from pro-oxidant damage. The components of phytoestrogens in the date fruit can regulate reproductive hormones. Date fruit contains many minerals, thus to prevent anemia, helps the involution process and improve the breast milk quality. However, the difference date fruit varieties have different levels of the active compound. This paper reviews the potential benefit of date fruit to improve the function of female reproductive system.