This paper presents a review on the detailed capacitor model and it includes theoretical literature and suggestions how to measure capacitors properties at the laboratory. Theoretical part gives idea about how the capacitors work, its charging and discharging, its non-linear behaviors and capacitor types. Non-linear behaviors are presented and explained in details how to calculate them theoretically. Besides this the paper suggest some methods to measure dielectric absorption and Equivalent series resistance (ESR) at the laboratory and gives and a simple alternative technique to measure ESR. The method uses a switching DC-DC boost regulator to measure the ESR. This method is very simple in technique, consumes very little time and requires only simple instruments. Conclusions: This project contains research about capacitor detail and its application in power electronics. With detail, we will see the capacitors behave and internal circuit characteristic design with mathematical calculation especially with ESR. The first part of this paper show the main capacitor internal circuit component design and behave in power electronic circuit charging, discharging, and internal electric field. The paper shown test of the ESR effect on the internal circuit of the capacitor circuit and analysis of modelling design with effect of the losses on the output of the DC-DC converter represented as increasing or decreasing ripple voltage and current with capacitor value. In general, the Equivalent Series Resistance (ESR) is termed as real resistive capacitor component. The capacitor ESR depends on the capacitor type and design. It will change by changing the frequency and temperature according to the company data sheet. The capacitor ESR has effect on the output ripple voltage, and current of DC-DC boost converter. It will increase or decrease according to the value of the capacitor. The ripple output voltage decreases by increasing the value of capacitor. The electronic companies try to design the capacitor as ideal as possible with less losses, by changing the internal design, and searching for new material that has less losses and perfect performance.